Mining, Engineering, Finance and IT all have something in common when it comes to encouraging girls into the field.

In my work in the mining industry doing Diversity Assessments I have found that there is some commonality in the way this industry and IT have to work towards encouraging girls to enter.  Focus on the skills of the future and not the skills of the past.  Engineering provides the pathway to future development and sustainability and this appeals to women.  Studies in female investment show that women are more discerning when making decisions, looking closely at the details, they are interested in longevity and an organizations ability to support environmental sustainability.  They also like to ‘give back’ through investment and this research can be applied to the mining industry.   Information technology provides the skills to live in contemporary society where decisions and influence are done via technology.  Therefore they are ‘must have’s’, its not about telling girls that maths and science is cool.  Its about reframing the proposition so it makes sense to girls.

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